Last week we visited the swim beach at Prairie Creek and it was a total mess! I spent about ten minutes looking through a small section of the beach in front of me and was absolutely shocked. All of the sharp metal spikes, glass, fish hooks, bottle caps, and other sharp items in the picture above were found in the small area outlined in the picture below! I hope I saved at least one foot from getting hurt 🙂 with my efforts.

Just saying “Clean up your mess!” isn’t going to change anything because the people who are leaving this mess obviously don’t care. Our plan to make a difference is to bring a trash bag with us every time we visit and try to fill it up. Hopefully our efforts will encourage others to do their part. We found some small trash bags on Amazon that we can keep in the car. If you’re interested in helping keep our beaches clean and safe grab some trash bags to keep in your car an spend a few minutes picking up some trash.